What are we doing and why?

Why fasting?

Fasting involves temporarily giving up something inherently good, such as food, to deepen our demonstration of longing for something greater—specifically, God and His influence in our lives.

Prayer Space in the Hub; Monday 13 - Saturday 18, 6am - midnight. Sign up to our ‘24-7 Prayer Room’ here for as many half hour slots as you fancy! Come on your own or with others. You can reserve it for exclusive use if you prefer, or leave it ‘open’ for others to be able to come during that time too.

What are we praying for?

Primarily we want to express to God that we want his presence and plans more than anything - even lunch, or our mobile! Moses says to God, “Do not send us up from here unless your Presence goes with us.” (Ex 33:15) We want to be a people marked by his presence.

Secondly, we are petitioning God for clarity on what to do and prioritise as we pursue our vision to reach people with the Gospel, grow whole-life disciples of Jesus and transform our communities in the power of the Spirit.

John 6:35

Some different ways to fast:

Total fast: taking only water

  • Fast from Solids: the avoidance of solid food and the intake of liquids only. Includes the use of fresh juices made from fruits and vegetables as well as herbal teas

  • Daniel fast: (based on Dan 1:12-16) water, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds

  • Daylight fast: We would recommend that propriety is exercised when breaking the fast in the evening.

  • Intermittent fasting: Another daily rhythm of fasting, typically 16hrs from 7pm - 11am or similar.

  • Technology fast: avoiding using digital tech as a whole, or a more focussed area such as social media, YouTube or television.

  • Prayer Walks; Central guided prayer walks leaving from The Lantern Monday @10am, Tuesday @7:45pm or Thursday @2pm, as well as resources to do your own walk and pray for your patch!

  • Collective Worship & Prayer; Wednesday 15, 7:30 - 9pm at The Lantern. An open time of intercessory prayer and worship for all ages.

Other ways to be involved:

Recite the Lord’s Prayer at midday each day. Perhaps set it as a reminder on your phone.

  • Prayer Space in the Hub; Monday 13 - Saturday 18, 6am - midnight. Sign up via our ‘24-7 Prayer Room’ online for as many half hour slots as you fancy (details on churchsuite) or use the ‘SIGN UP’ button below. Come on your own or with others. You can reserve it for exclusive use if you prefer, or leave it ‘open’ for others to be able to come during that time too.

There are lots of devotional apps or supporting resources to help you pray. This may be a great way in for those for whom fasting of any kind isn’t appropriate, due to age, health or life stage.